Amidon bowen es

Amidon Bowen Elementary School

Washington, DC

Amidon Bowen Elementary school is a DC public school with 345 students from PreK3 through grade five located is southwest, Washington DC. A new 8,500 square foot child development center addition will provide care for infants and toddlers ages 0 to 3 to this facility.

MC ENGINEERS provided MEP engineering for the new 8,500 SF child development center with a $5,500,000.00 construction cost. The major program spaces are two (2) infant-toddler classrooms, two (2) Pre-K classroom, a welcome center, food preparation area. The two story addition is located at the southwest corner of the school after the existing building system were assessed.  

A Variable Air Volume Roof Top Heat Pump Unit with auxiliary electric heat is designed to be aligned with building electrification. Fan powered variable air volume terminal units are provided for each space with temperature and carbon dioxide sensors.

Existing domestic water service is extended to provide domestic cold water tho the new addition. New domestic hot water heater and piping is added to supply the new addition with domestic hot water.

The existig electrical service is evaluated and extended to provide power for the new addition. New power distribution and lighting is provided throughout.

Existing fire alarm system is expanded to provide coverage for the new addition.

Amidon Bowen ES